Natural Language Processing (NLP): Techniques and Applications

Natural language processing (NLP) is a branch of artificial intelligence that deals with understanding and generating human language. Human language is the most natural and common way of communication and expression for humans, but it is also very complex and diverse. There are thousands of languages in the world, each with its own grammar, vocabulary, and style. Moreover, human language is not only spoken or written, but also gestured, signed, or sung. And human language is not only literal or factual, but also figurative, emotional, or sarcastic.

NLP is the technology that enables machines to understand and generate human language, and to perform tasks that humans can do with language, such as reading, writing, speaking, listening, translating, summarizing, analysing, and more. NLP is one of the most challenging and exciting fields in computer science, as it has many applications and benefits for humans.

But what exactly is NLP, and how does it work? How do machines understand and generate human language, and what are the techniques that they use? And what are some of the examples of NLP applications that we encounter in our daily lives? In this article, we will answer these questions and give you an overview of the technology, techniques, and applications of NLP.

What is Natural Language Processing?

Natural language processing (NLP) is the technology that enables machines to understand and generate human language. NLP is based on the idea that machines can learn from language data, such as text, speech, or images, and use it to perform tasks that humans can do with language.

NLP is different from natural language understanding (NLU) and natural language generation (NLG), which are the subfields of NLP that focus on specific aspects of language processing. NLU is the process of extracting meaning or information from language data, such as the intent, sentiment, or entities of a text or speech. NLG is the process of producing language data from meaning or information, such as the text or speech that expresses a given intent, sentiment, or entities.

NLP is also different from natural language interaction (NLI), which is the field that studies how humans and machines can communicate or interact with each other using natural language. NLI is based on the idea that machines can not only understand and generate language, but also use it to engage in dialogue, conversation, or collaboration with humans.

NLP is a multidisciplinary field that combines computer science, linguistics, mathematics, psychology, and more. NLP requires knowledge and skills from various domains, such as:

  1. Computer Science: Computer science provides the tools and methods for programming, data structures, algorithms, and complexity analysis that are essential for NLP.
  2. Linguistics: Linguistics provides the theories and models for language structure, meaning, and use that are fundamental for NLP.
  3. Mathematics: Mathematics provides the concepts and techniques for logic, probability, statistics, and optimization that are crucial for NLP.
  4. Psychology: Psychology provides the insights and experiments for language acquisition, processing, and production that are relevant for NLP.

Techniques of Natural Language Processing

NLP uses various techniques or methods to understand and generate human language. There are many types of NLP techniques, but they can be broadly classified into two categories: rule-based and data-driven.

Rule-Based Techniques

Rule-based techniques are the techniques that use predefined rules or patterns to process language data. The rules or patterns are usually derived from linguistic knowledge or expert systems, and they are applied to the language data using symbolic or logic-based methods.

For example, a rule-based technique can use a grammar or a dictionary to parse or generate sentences, or a regular expression or a finite-state machine to extract or match information.

Some of the advantages of rule-based techniques are:
  1. Precision: Rule-based techniques can produce accurate and consistent results, as they follow the exact rules or patterns that are specified.
  2. Explainability: Rule-based techniques can provide clear and transparent explanations, as they can show the rules or patterns that are used and how they are applied.
  3. Efficiency: Rule-based techniques can be fast and scalable, as they can process language data without requiring much computation or memory.
Some of the disadvantages of rule-based techniques are:
  1. Coverage: Rule-based techniques can have limited coverage, as they can only handle the cases that are covered by the rules or patterns that are defined.
  2. Flexibility: Rule-based techniques can have low flexibility, as they can be hard to adapt or modify when the language data changes or evolves.
  3. Complexity: Rule-based techniques can be complex and tedious, as they can require a lot of manual work and expertise to create and maintain the rules or patterns.
Data-Driven Techniques

Data-driven techniques are the techniques that use data or examples to process language data. The data or examples are usually collected from natural language sources, such as text, speech, or images, and they are used to train or test machine learning models that can learn from the data and perform the tasks.

For example, a data-driven technique can use a corpus or a dataset of sentences to train or test a neural network or a statistical model that can classify or generate sentences, or a set of images with captions to train or test a deep learning or a probabilistic model that can caption or recognize images.

Advantages of data-driven techniques:

  1. Coverage: Can handle various cases represented by data or examples.
  2. Flexibility: Easily adapted or modified with evolving language data.
  3. Simplicity: Requires less manual work and expertise to create and maintain models.

Disadvantages of data-driven techniques:

  1. Accuracy: May produce noisy or inconsistent results due to data quality and quantity.
  2. Interpretability: Provides vague or opaque explanations, hiding model logic or reasoning.
  3. Efficiency: Can be slow and costly, requiring significant computation or memory for processing language data.
Applications of Natural Language Processing

NLP has many applications in various domains, such as healthcare, education, business, entertainment, and security. NLP can help improve communication, information, and knowledge for humans, as the future of the technology. Here are some of the examples of NLP applications that we encounter in our daily lives:

Speech Recognition: Enables machines to transcribe human speech, facilitating voice commands for tasks like making calls or writing emails.

Machine Translation: Allows machines to translate human language between different languages, aiding communication and language learning.

Text Summarization: Condenses lengthy text into shorter summaries, making information more accessible and organized for tasks like reading news or writing reports.

Sentiment Analysis: Analyzes the sentiment or emotion of human language, helping understand opinions and monitor mood, tone, or style, useful for product reviews and detecting sarcasm.

Text Generation: Generates human language from input, assisting in content creation and completion tasks such as writing stories or suggesting words.


Natural language processing (NLP) is the technology that enables machines to understand and generate human language. NLP is based on the idea that machines can learn from language data, such as text, speech, or images, and use it to perform tasks that humans can do with language.

There are two main types of NLP techniques: rule-based and data-driven. Rule-based techniques use predefined rules or patterns to process language data, while data-driven techniques use data or examples to process language data. Both types of techniques have their own advantages and disadvantages, and they can be combined or hybridized to achieve better results.


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